
Config file

To configure Craftable PRO, you can publish the configuration file using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=craftable-pro-config

Bellow you can find description of most of the configuration options:

  • default_media_disk_name -> disk name defined in config/filesystems.php which will be used for storing media files
  • require_email_verified -> if set to true, then user must verify his email address in order to be able to log in
  • allow_only_active_users_login -> if set to true, then only active users can log in
  • track_user_last_active_time -> if set to true, then user last activity timestamp will be tracked with every request
  • handle-inertia-request-class -> class which will be used for handling Inertia requests
  • self_registration.enabled -> if set to true, then self registration will be enabled
  • self_registration.default_role -> default role which will be assigned to newly registered user
Last updated on December 19, 2024