

Craftable PRO is a package for Laravel that can be installed on any existing Laravel 10+ project. If you're starting a new project, install Laravel first - please follow steps in the official Laravel documentation (opens in a new tab).

Buy license

You can buy a license on our Craftable PRO website (opens in a new tab). Afterwards, you will receive an email with a license key which you will need to continue with the installation.

Register the repository

After obtaining a valid Craftable PRO license (opens in a new tab) you need to add our private repository to your composer.json:

composer config repositories.craftable-pro composer https://packages.craftable.pro/

Add the package

Require the package with composer. You will be asked for username and password during the installation. Use your email address as the username and the license key, you received after purchasing the license, as the password. Alternatively you can create local or global auth.json file with your credentials. You can find more information about this in the Composer documentation (opens in a new tab).

composer require brackets/craftable-pro

Install the package

This command will publish resources, migrations, configs, edit some configuration files and more.
Check out Install command section for more information.

php artisan craftable-pro:install

Build frontend assets

You can use whatever package manager you preffer, but we will use npm in this example.

npm install

Afterwards you can start Vite with:

npm run craftable-pro:dev

Or you can build the assets for production with:

npm run craftable-pro:build

Note that if you use InertiaJS in your project, we recommend you to merge Vite configs. We also recommend to separate Craftable PRO routes from your application routes to isolate InertiaJS middlewares.

Test your installation

After running Vite, you should be able to visit Craftable PRO at http://localhost/admin.

Login with the credentials provided during installation.

Last updated on February 20, 2025