Craftable PRO integrates with Laravel's database notifications system to provide a notification center within your admin panel. For basic notification usage, please refer to Laravel's official notification documentation (opens in a new tab).
Notification Center
Craftable PRO provides a built-in notification dropdown in the admin panel header, allowing users to:
- View unread notifications
- Mark individual notifications as read
- Mark all notifications as read
- Navigate to related content through action URLs
Sending notifications
Basics of sending notifications can be found in official Laravel documentation: Sending Notifications (opens in a new tab) The notification should include:
- title: text representing title of the notification
- body: text representing body of the notification
- icon: url of the image or null to use fallback icon
- action: url that will be opened when notification is clicked or null to not open any url
See the following example of toArray method in notification class:
public function toArray(object $notifiable): array
return [
'title' => 'Verification required',
'body' => 'Please verify your account by clicking on this notification',
'icon' => null,
'action' => 'https://demoapp.test/verify',
Last updated on December 19, 2024