

Craftable PRO uses custom Vue plugin for frontend translations build on top of laravel-vue-i18n (opens in a new tab). Translations are stored in the database and can be edited by the user.

Available functions

$t and $tChoice are automatically available in all Vue components inside <template> tag. See the example bellow:

        {{ $t("crafable-pro", "Click me!") }}
<script setup lang="ts">
    import {Button} from "craftable-pro/components";

Other functions have to be imported from our plugin:

import {trans, transChoice, wTrans, wTransChoice} from "craftable-pro/plugins/laravel-vue-i18n";

Overloaded versions with group parameter

In addition of all the translation functions described in the laravel-vue-i18n docs (opens in a new tab), you can use their overloaded versions with optional first parameter group which will be used to group translations in the database.

This behaviour uses same import and aplies for all functions ($t/$tChoice/trans/transChoice/wTrans/wTransChoice). You can check the usage bellow:

$t("frontend", "Welcome :name", { name: "John" });
$tChoice("frontend", "{1} :count minute ago|[2,*] :count minutes ago", 10);

The code example above would results to following DB records:

| group      | key                                              |
| "frontend" | "Welcome :name"                                  |
| "frontend" | "{1} :count minute ago|[2,*] :count minutes ago" |

When using translations function without group parameter, the default group * will be used:

$t("Welcome :name", { name: "John" });
$tChoice("{1} :count minute ago|[2,*] :count minutes ago", 10);

The code example above would results to following DB records:

| group | key                                              |
| "*"   | "Welcome :name"                                  |
| "*"   | "{1} :count minute ago|[2,_] :count minutes ago" |

This functionality is only available when importing functions from our plugin craftable-pro/plugins/laravel-vue-i18n. Using import directly from laravel-vue-i18n will not work.

Last updated on December 19, 2024