Directory Structure

Directory structure

After installation you will see the following directory structure:

├── app/
│   └── Http/
│       ├── Controllers/
│       │   └── CraftablePro/
│       └── Requests/
│           └── CraftablePro/
├── resources/
│   ├── craftable-pro/
│   │   ├── orders.yml
│   │   └── posts.yml
│   ├── css/
│   │   └── craftable-pro.css
│   └── js/
│       └── craftable-pro/
│           ├── Components/
│           │   ├── Logo.vue
│           │   ├── Sidebar.vue
│           │   └── UserDropdown.vue
│           ├── Pages/
│           └── index.ts
├── craftable-pro.vite.config.js
└── craftable-pro.tailwind.config.js

Controllers directory


This directory is used by generator to generate CRUD controllers for your models. You can also add your own controllers here. If you like, you can further namespace your controllers to group similar concerns together.

Requests directory


This directory is used by generator to generate CRUD requests for your models. Similarly, you can also add your own requests here.

Resources craftable-pro directory


This directory contains YAML configuration files used for CRUD generation. You can learn more at Config Generator docs.

Resources JS directory


This directory contains all frontend resources related to Craftable PRO. Its structure is inspired by InertiaJS. You can learn more about it in InertiaJS's documentation (opens in a new tab).


This directory contains Vue components that are used in Craftable PRO. You can modify them to fit your needs or create some custom ones.


This directory contains Vue components that are used as pages in Craftable PRO. You can modify existing ones to fit your needs or create some custom ones. This is also directory where generator puts your generated pages. For more information about Pages in InertiaJS, please check InertiaJS's documentation (opens in a new tab).

Last updated on December 20, 2024